The Lancers prefer camouflage to stylized paint schemes, typically employing either a tiger-striped or jungle-vine pattern. They always work in the colors blue or yellow, a tribute to their fallen homeworld of Pleiades. The unit’s insignia is a diving eagle with a sword in its talons, set over a triangular field.
Insignia by: Unknown Artist/Sarna.net
Insignia colored by: Flamestalker
Paint Scheme by: Field Manual: Periphery, page 64
Mech repainted by: –
View on Sarna.net: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Pleiades_Lancers
View on Camospecs.com: http://camospecs.com/Unit/Details/618/pleiades-lancers
Original Artwork: flyingdebris for Piranha Games Inc.
Template: Odanan
Additional Template work: LegendKiller
To do: Mech needs to be repainted / Logo needs to be vectorized