The Regulars use the standard Benjamin white to off-white with brown or dark red striping. The district insignia, painted on a BattleMech’s lower left torso and in a corresponding spot on other war machines, is a white dagger in a red sheath set against a blue field. BattleMechs also carry the Kurita crest on the outside facing of the right shoulder, and individual regimental insignias are placed on the upper right arm or upper left leg. Aerospace fighters and conventional vehicles carry insignias in corresponding places. The Third Regulars’ regimental insignia is a ring of stars, the topmost one very bright. These stars represent Benjamin’s sun and the twenty artificial “semi-suns” that surround the planet.
Insignia by: Unknown Artist/Sarna.net
Insignia vectorized by: Viereth
Paint Scheme by: Field Manual: Draconis Combine, page 40
Mech repainted by: Viereth / Archer: JJM1
View on Sarna.net: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Benjamin_Regulars
View on Camospecs.com: http://camospecs.com/Unit/Details/137/3rd-benjamin-regulars
Original Artwork: flyingdebris for Piranha Games Inc. / Archer: JJM1
Template: Odanan / Archer: JJM1
Additional Template work: Viereth / Archer: JJM1