The Cadre paints their machines white with differently colored stripes along the arms and legs of their BattleMechs. Every ‘Mech carries the House Kurita crest on its upper left torso. The Sun Zhang Cadres insignia, a setting sun, appears in a different location depending on the cadre. The regimental insignia, a katana piercing an anvil is displayed on the back of each unit BattleMech.
The 5th paints their machines white with dark blue stripes along the arms and legs of their BattleMechs. The Fifth Cadre has its own regimental insignia, though any cadre ‘Mech may carry a banner with the cadre name on it. BattleMechs of the Fifth Sun Zhang display the Sun Zhang insignia on the upper right leg. All officers must fly the Fifth Cadre banner from their machines.
The Thirteenth Sun Zhang adopted an off-white paint scheme with blue striping so dark it looks black in dim light. Every unit BattleMech carries the banner of the Thirteenth Cadre, and the Thirteenth’s aerospace fighters bear a facsimile of the banner on their fuselage.
The Fourteenth’s color scheme is a pure white base with narrow, light blue stripes.
The Sixteenth Sun Zhang uses a white paint scheme with medium-blue stripes. The Sixteenth Sun Zhang Cadre displays the Sun Zhang insignia on the back of its BattleMechs.
Insignia by: Unknown Artist/Sarna.net
Insignia vectorized by: Viereth
Paint Scheme by: Field Manual: Draconis Combine, page 90, 91, 92, 93 / Quickdraw (labeled Grasshopper), FM: Draconis Combine (plate 7)
Mech repainted by: –
View on Sarna.net: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Sun_Zhang_MechWarrior_Academy
View on Camospecs.com: http://camospecs.com/Search/Index?Term=sun+zhang
Original Artwork: flyingdebris for Piranha Games Inc.
Template: Sightsonyou
Additional Template work: LegendKiller
To do: Mech needs to be repainted