The Lyran Guards use a blue-and-white paint scheme for ceremonial duties. The Lyran Guards’ insignia depicts a stylized white horse head that appears on the left leg of BattleMechs or the left side of vehicles. Regimental insignia appear on the right leg or side.
The insignia of the Third Lyran Guards is a pair of crossed broadswords.
The regimental insignia of the Fifth Lyran Guards depicts an Atlas ‘Mech with a world on its shoulders.
The insignia of the Sixth depicts a scantily clad young woman, a reference to the unit’s former reputation for entertaining men and women of disrepute.
The Lyran Guards use a blue-and-white paint scheme for ceremonial duties. The 10th Lyran Guards adds silver piping denoting its special place within the Lyran military. The Tenth’s insignia shows the outline of a skeletal warrior highlighted against a lightning strike.
The 14th paints the upper arms of their ‘Mechs and the turrets of their vehicle a unique black, red and gray color scheme, developed when they fought on Baxter in the Second Succession War. The Fourteenth does not have a regimental patch.
The Fifteenth continues to live up to its nickname of “The Death or Glory Boys,” a reflection of its continued survival against the odds. This is illustrated by its insignia, which depicts a Greek warrior attacked by lions.
As if to mock the charges leveled against the unit on Suk, the Slashers’ insignia depicts a bloodied knife with an ear impaled on its point.
The insignia of the 26th depicts a world with the scuffmark from a boot slashing across it.
The insignia of the 32nd shows a red arrow with an attached, blood-smeared white flag. Few members of the Thirty-second wear the Lyran Alliance insignia.
The insignia of the Thirty-sixth shows a Commando BattleMech standing on a surfboard.
Insignia by: Unknown Artist/Sarna.net
Insignia vectorized by: –
Paint Scheme by: Field Manual: Lyran Alliance, page 74, 78 / Banshee, FM: Lyran Alliance (plate 6) / Atlas, Classic Battletech Master Rules Revised Edition (plate 7) / Fenrir BA, CB: Miniatures Rules, page 22 / Barghest, Banshee, Lynx, Salamander, Commando, Uziel, Thanatos, CB: Miniatures Rules, page 9 / Thunder Hawk, Classic Battletech Master Rules Revised Edition (plate 6) / Banshee, CB: Miniatures Rules, page 22 / Barghest, Salamander, Maelstrom, Typhoon, CB: Miniatures Rules, page 60 / Commando, Uziel, Lynx, Clint, CB: Miniatures Rules, page 61
Mech repainted by: jjm1/Justin Kase
View on Sarna.net: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Lyran_Guards
View on Camospecs.com: http://camospecs.com/Search/Index?Term=lyran+guards
Original Artwork: flyingdebris for Piranha Games Inc. / Dragon Fire by jjm1 (fan-artwork commissioned by TheArisen)
Template: jjm1/Odanan/Justin Kase
Additional Template work: jjm1/Justin Kase