The Mistweavers paints its ‘Mechs in a multilayered grey camouflage consisting of horizontal streaks, meant to represent a mist. Bloodnamed warriors paint large felid eyes on the torso of their ‘Mechs, and may even add other felid features as well. Kills are marked by smaller pairs of eyes placed randomly on the ‘Mech, though some warriors have taken to placing them near the weapons which delivered the final blow. The Elementals of Beta Galaxy have been seen in both this scheme and the traditional jaguar spot camo.
Insignia by: Unknown Artist/Sarna.net
Insignia vectorized by: –
Paint Scheme by: Canonized by Chewie on 11/6/2004
‘Mech repainted by: jjm1/Viereth
View on Sarna.net: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Beta_Galaxy_(Clan_Smoke_Jaguar)
View on Camospecs.com: https://camospecs.com/unit/beta-galaxy-7/
Original Artwork: flyingdebris for Piranha Games Inc.
Template: jjm1/Viereth
Additional Template work: jjm1/Viereth