Theta Galaxy paints its units in a scheme of Terracotta/Clay Brown with arms painted white. In desert operations, these colours are sometimes mottled. When not using appropriate camo or designated scheme, Wolf units paint their equipment in flat grays. The Wolf Clan standard is painted prominently on every military vehicle. Theta Galaxy’s insignia has a snarling red-and-brown wolf’s head set over a white, five-pointed star backed by a white circle. The Greek letter theta appears on the wolf’s throat in gold.
Insignia by: Unknown Artist/Sarna.net
Insignia vectorized by: Chaosmaster
Paint Scheme by: Canonized by Insane Kangaroo on 12/31/2005
‘Mech repainted by: –
View on Sarna.net: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Theta_Galaxy_(Clan_Wolf)
View on Camospecs.com: https://camospecs.com/unit/theta-galaxy-4/
Original Artwork: flyingdebris for Piranha Games Inc.
Template: Odanan
Additional Template work: LegendKiller
To do: ‘Mech needs to be repainted