Author: Insaniac99

Down to the Bones paint their machines in mottled tans with blood red highlights, preferring to…

Gamma Galaxy employs a green scheme that fades to brown at the feet. When not…

The Snarling Wolves Galaxy paints their machines in a lowland camouflage. The bottom half of their…

Alpha Galaxy paints its machines forest green, with tan trimming and small gold highlights. When…

The Keshik uses dull green and brown striped camouflage. The insignia of the Steel Viper…

Note: There’s two different official paint schemes from two different sources. Rho Galaxy warriors use…

Psi Galaxy uses a paintscheme of flat black with yellow scales down the back of…

Omega Galaxy paints the limbs of its ‘Mechs with a dull steel color, while torsos…

Nu Galaxy uses appropriate camouflage, but its parade scheme is a grey-blue with yellow trim.…

In the days before the Steel Vipers occupied the Inner Sphere, Gamma painted its machines…