Unit Color Compendium Posts

Zeta Galaxy paints their equipment an overall yellow-brown with grey stone-colored accents—which may be marbled…

Beta Galaxy uses white and dark gray with orange for highlights. Mechwarriors with Bloodnames decorate…

Zeta Galaxy uses medium blue with significant white markings and gold highlights; alternatively SLDF olive…

Peregrine Galaxy uses a simple scheme of gray with blood red highlights. Bloodnamed warriors may…

Turkina’s Eyes uses a color scheme consisting of a rough gray base color with forest…

A departure from the more common Falcon schemes, Rho Galaxy paints its units in a…

Phi Galaxy uses black with gray and minor gold and turquoise highlights. Insignia by: –Insignia vectorized…

Omega Galaxy employs a scheme of metallic emerald green on top and a steel finish…

Mu Galaxy’s parade scheme is a dark forest green. BattleMechs and Elementals use a jade…

The Turkina Keshik colors its ‘Mechs turquoise green with lime green highlights. A gold pearl…