Unit Color Compendium Posts

Rho uses standard Coyote colors but in a camouflage pattern. The unit‘s machines have a…

Ancient Coyotes Omicron paints their machines in gray, with arms, wings, and turrets painted in…

Nu paints its units a medium gray with light blue highlights. Pilots paint their personal…

Lambda paints their machines in the traditional Coyote colors. The right side of the Mech…

Delta Galaxy uses the Coyote‘s traditional colors of blues, blacks and grays, painting the bodies…

Zeta acknowledges its past and paints ancient Terran symbols from the North American deserts on…

Alpha Galaxy paints it‘s equipment light blue with gray accents. After the death of ilKhan…

Omicron paints its Mechs in black with blue highlights. Some warriors choose to adorn their…