Tag: mad dog

The Nova Cats tend to paint their ‘Mechs in appropriate camouflage. After all, the nova…

The Nova Cats tend to paint their Mechs in appropriate camouflage. After all, the nova…

Corvus Keshik uses a muted night camouflage with shades of purple or blue. Insignia by…

The galaxy now paints their machines in a stone pattern appropriate to their operating environment. Yellow-brown…

Zeta Galaxy paints their equipment an overall yellow-brown with grey stone-colored accents—which may be marbled…

Turkina’s Eyes uses a color scheme consisting of a rough gray base color with forest…

The Turkina Keshik colors its ‘Mechs turquoise green with lime green highlights. A gold pearl…

Lambda paints its ‘Mechs in sandy tan and dark gray, with light gray and blood…