The Grinders paint their machines in greens commonly seen on Liao units, accented by Capellan…
Tag: panther
The command favors appropriate camouflage in combat. Their parade scheme consists of pale flesh-tone with…
Edom’s Bandits paint their equipment in a bright yellow with black highlights. Insignia by (fan-made…
The Commandos favor a two-tone green-blue camoflauge, reminicsent of that worn by RAF Harriers during…
The Bugmen utilize appropriate camouflage at all times. Insignia by (fan-made and not canonized): LegendKillerInsignia…
Note: Non-Mech Mercenary Unit Black Daisy applies appropriate camouflage at all times. Insignia by (fan-made…
Note: Non-Mech Mercenary Unit Black Cat infantry dress in whatever camouflage they joined the unit,…